Glory to Jesus Christ!
With the hope of the Resurrection of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ we inform you and ask you to please keep in your prayers the soul of Sister Adalberta Rohaly. Sr. Adalberta was a Social Mission Sister from Hungary who came to the US in 1971 to serve at our Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch in Burton, Ohio. Sr. Adalberta passed away on June 16, 2023, at Regina Health Center where she had been living since 2008. This attached picture of Sr. Adalberta was taken only three weeks ago by her friends who came to visit her.
Please view this link for Sr. Adalberta’s obituary and for information regarding her funeral:
In blessed repose, grant, O Lord, eternal rest to your departed servant Sister Adalberta and remember her forever. Eternal memory, eternal memory, blessed repose, eternal memory.