STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. —Parishioners of St. Basil the Great Parish and members of GCU Lodge 250 gathered for a Flag Day celebration June 10.
After the morning Divine Liturgy, they gathered outside the church at the flagpole. Lodge President John P. Minarish opened the program by speaking about the symbolism of the U.S. flag. Father Mychail Rozmarynowycz, the pastor, spoke about the freedom enjoyed in the United States. Refreshments followed in the social hall.
Many parishioners expressed appreciation for the event, organized by parishioner Anita Cipa, saying it was a “a wonderful way to honor our flag.”
St. Basil parishioners gather around the flagpole for a Flag Day celebration, June 10. (Photo: Anita Cipa)
As published in Horizons, July 22, 2018.
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