Commemoration of the Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
The Church venerates the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils because Christ has established them as “lights upon the earth,” guiding us to the true Faith. “Adorned with the robe of truth,” the doctrine articulated by the Church Fathers, based upon the preaching of the Apostles, has defined the one faith of the Church. The Ecumenical Councils are the highest authority in the Church. Such Councils, guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and accepted by the Church, are infallible.
Here is a brief listing of when and what they dealt with:
• 1st in Nicaea in 325: Refuted Arian heresy and affirmed Jesus is Son of God. The first part of the creed is composed.
• 2nd in Constantinople in 381: Refuted heresy of Macedonius and affirmed Holy Spirit is God. The second part of creed is composed.
• 3rd in Ephesus in 431: Refuted heresy of Nestorius and affirmed Mary is the Mother of God.
• 4th in Chalcedon in 451: Refuted Monophysite heresy and affirmed Jesus is one person with two natures: Divine and human. These natures are distinct, unconfused, and in perfect harmony.
• 5th in Constantinople in 553: Condemned errors of Origen and certain writings of others such as Theodoret, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and of Ibas. Reconfirmed first four councils.
• 6th in Constantinople in 680: Refuted the Monothelite heresy and confirmed Christ has two wills: Divine and human which are distinct, unconfused, and in perfect harmony with one another.