Today's reading of the Gospel (Matthew 8:28-9:1) recounts the story of Jesus encountering two demon-possessed men in the region of the Gadarenes. These men, known for their violent and uncontrollable behavior, lived among the tombs, isolated from society. When Jesus arrived in their vicinity, the demons within them recognized His authority and power, causing them to cry out and beg Jesus not to torment them before the appointed time. Jesus then commanded the demons to leave the men and enter a nearby herd of pigs. The demons obeyed, causing the entire herd, numbering about two thousand, to rush down a steep bank into the sea and drown.
This miracle astounded the witnesses, who begged Jesus to leave their region. Jesus then crossed back over to the other side of the lake, where he continued to perform miracles and teach about the kingdom of God. This story serves as a reminder of the power and compassion of Jesus in delivering individuals from the grip of darkness and restoring them to wholeness.