PARMA, Ohio — The total funds collected in the Eparchy of Parma’s 2017-2018 Annual Stewardship Appeal came up about $25,000 short of its $190,000 goal, due to the parish rebate system.
The campaign collected a total of $188,886 before rebates. However, once the $22,139 in rebates were deducted from the funds collected, the campaign total for eparchial programming was only $166,747.
“This deficit will directly impact various programming and ministry efforts of the eparchy including youth ministry, education, and parish assistance,” said John Popp, coordinator of the Stewardship Appeal.
Currently, parishes are returned the entire amount they raise beyond their goal as a rebate. Thirty-two parishes, missions and shrines participated in the campaign; only 15 met or exceeded their goal. (Consult the print version of Horizons for the total raised by each parish.)
Of the total $188,886 collected, $178,644 came from parishes and missions — about $14,000 less than last year — and $10,242 came from individuals and organizations not affiliated with a parish — about $9,000 more than last year.
While the 2017-2018 campaign period has ended, Popp said “parishioners are still able and encouraged to donate through the mail or via our website,”
The campaign coordinator said the 2018-2019 Stewardship Appeal will begin in October and will include a parish-based faith formation component that all parishioners are encouraged to attend.
Details on the new appeal and accompanying faith formation program will be published in Horizons and posted to the eparchial website and social media in the coming weeks.
The 2016-2017 Stewardship Appeal raised $192,740 before rebates. After rebates, the total was $171,505.
As published in Horizons, Sept. 9, 2018. Sign up for the Horizons e-newsletter.