In a world where Saturday night is the jewel of the week for many young people, we ask all that are interested to join us once a month for an evening of spirituality and community! Many times we find ourselves “working for the weekend” and drowning our sorrows on Saturday night to forget about our woes for a while. We challenge the young adults ages 18-35 in the Cleveland area and beyond to give up the last Saturday of the month to prepare for a different celebration-the Eucharist! Here we truly find rest and freedom from despair, and Saturday evening should be a time of preparation for this great gift from our Lord.
Our theme “Poustinia: Into the Desert” emphasizes the reorientation of our weeks to emphasize Sunday morning as the peak of our week, and Saturday as a time to prepare and ready ourselves for the Eucharistic feast-the defining aspect of our Christian faith. We want to give young people a chance to have a night away from the allure of this world and to enter “into the desert” of our hearts so we can grow closer in union with the Trinity and each other. Fittingly, each evening consists of compline, confession, silent prayer and guided reflection centered around the icon of that perfect community of love and life from which all things flow forth. By taking a night to separate from the world, we hope to learn each month how to live more deeply within the reality and mystery of the life of the Trinity.