The Church follows the computation of time according to the civil calendar year. However, in the Byzantine Catholic Tradition, the liturgical year begins on September 1st, while the Western Churches begin their liturgical year on the first Sunday of Advent.
The Byzantine Church inaugurated the first of September as the beginning of the liturgical year in honor of the victory of Emperor Constantine the Great (d. 337 A.D.), over his adversary, Emperor Maxentius, in 312 A.D. Prior to Constantine, Christianity was constantly exposed to persecution. But with Constantine’s victory, as attested to by St. Ambrose (d. 397 A.D.), the Church began a new life. So indeed, enjoy this time of spiritual and communal rejuvenation, and Happy New Year!Maker of all creation, under whose control are the seasons and the years, being Our Lord, bless the beginning of the year with abundance and, through the intercession of the Mother of God, preserve our Country and the people in peace, and save us. ~Troparion for the New Year