As we enter into the joyous celebration of the Nativity, it is important to remember the reason we celebrate this exciting and beautiful holiday.
It is not about the presents, the family gatherings, the decoration or any of the other romantic Christmas traditions. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with any of these things. In fact, put in their proper place, they exist simply to enhance the true meaning of Christmas.
As Byzantine Catholic Christians, we must remember that our reason for celebrating is that we have received the greatest gift God could have ever given us, Jesus Christ.
It is through the second Person of the Holy Trinity that we have received salvation and forgiveness of our sins. What greater gift could there be?
As I contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation, my mind is filled with thoughts of how I can show God our Father the immense gratitude that I have for giving us his only Son. What can I do to give back to the Lord who has given me everything, including everlasting life? I invite you to consider this as well.
The Stewardship Appeal is not simply about raising funds for administrative and ministerial costs incurred by the eparchy.
It is about living our gratitude by giving to God what we can and by doing what we can for our brothers and sisters. Some are blessed with the financial ability to give substantial financial donations, while others give of their time and talent to their parish family and community.
These donations are important and life-giving to our church. As you find time to pray during this Christmas season, offer your thanks to God for his Son, and contemplate how God is calling you to respond.
I’ll join you in this prayer. Together, with God’s help, you and I can make a difference in our church and our world. Christ is born! Glorify him! Happy feast!