Prepare for the Nativity of Christ by praying together with your family. The prayers can be said in the Icon Corner at home or before the Christmas tree. Perhaps you can follow the same procedure each evening - such as:
1. Sing a Christmas Hymn such as GOD IS WITH US or SILENT NIGHT, or the following: Heaven and earth, heaven and earth Now welcome their Redeemer. Angels and people, angels and people Join in a celebration. Salvation is begun, born is the Virgin's Son, Angel Voices ringing, Wise Men gifts are bringing, Shepherds tell the story, star proclaims the glory. Christ is born in Bethlehem.
2. Read a scriptural passage.Dec. 18 - Jn. 1:1-4 "In the beginning was the Word" Dec. 19 - Lk. 1:26-28 The announcement of Jesus' birth Dec. 20 - Lk. 1-46-55 Mary's canticle Dec. 21 - Lk. 1-67-79 Zechariah's Song of Praise Dec. 22 - Lk. 2:1-20 The Birth of Jesus Dec. 23 - Mt. 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus Dec. 24 - Mt. 2:1-12 The Story of the Wise Men
3. Share with each other the message contained in the Scripture Reading.
4. End by reciting or singing the Troparion for Christmas: Your birth, O Christ our God Has shed upon the world the light of knowledge; For through it, those who worshipped the stars, Have learned from a start to worship You, the Sun of Justice. And to know you, the Dawn from on High. Glory be to You, O Lord!
- Taken from Book Four, God With Us Catechetical Series